From eliminating liability issues to creating brand new parking lots and roadways, our paving professionals are prepared to handle any and all of your paving requirements.
Patching asphalt repairs is a cost-effective way of eliminating further damage, potential liability, deterioration, and pavement-related problems. Pavement distresses accumulate as asphalt pavement surfaces age and traffic pounds them. If timely maintenance isn’t performed, small cracks will become potholes, potholes will expand and become craters and craters become large liability problems. Repairing compromised regions of the asphalt surface before any liability issues, you can avoid potential lawsuits for injuries they may inflict (property damage to vehicles, personal injury due to a trip).
An asphalt overlay is a common resurfacing option which extends the life of your asphalt service, while also being much less expensive than reclamation or repaving. A standard asphalt overlay consists of a new layer of asphalt that is applied to the existing asphalt surface, ranging in thickness of 1.5” – 2.0”. An overlay adds new life to older asphalt, repairs flaws, and adds structural strength to the existing surface, while also giving it that brand-new appearance.
Our expertise in paving extends to constructing new parking areas, roadways, and expansions & additions. Our paving crews and team of skilled professionals will get the job done right, on schedule and within your budget to meet your needs.
Repaving options include removal of the asphalt and complete repaving, as well as pavement milling and overlay. Pavement milling is the process of removing a layer of the existing asphalt surface, anywhere from just enough thickness to level and smooth the surface, to a full depth removal. These options depend on the extent of the pavement’s failure, but both end in a brand new, smooth finished surface.